স্বাস্থ্য এবং সৌন্দর্য
Cap 0
Vertical: Health & Beauty
Conversion Type: Straight Sales
Category: Diet
Brulafine is a natural and powerful fat burner which helps lose weight. It is an effective slimming solution when coupled with Natural appetite suppressants c-Konjac and a balanced diet.
Products authorised by the Ministry of Economy (DGCCRF n° 2019-8-36 and 2018-6-798). Any allegations reviewed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
-> Flow: Straight Sale
-> Targeted Audience: Mainstream, Male & Female, over 30 years old of age
-> Devices: Mobile and Desktop
-> Operating Systems: All
-> Promo Tools: Banners + LPS + PreLPS + Email Creatives
-> Geos: ITALY
-> Allowed Traffic: Display, emailing, native, push, back button, Social Media (No use of Celebs though), SMS, SEA except Brand bidding (see rules).
-> Forbidden Traffic: SEO, Youtube (see specific offer with your AM), Pop,
-> Rules for SEA : You are allowed to do SEA campaigns but you MUST exclude the following keywords from your campaigns: brulafine, ckonjac, c-konjac, c konjac, castalis.
-> IMPORTANT NOTE: Affiliate must have the necessary permissions to distribute information and advertisements on all sites without infringing on the rights of third parties or violating the law, and must respect the intellectual property rights of the advertiser.
=> Affiliates not respecting those guidelines won't be paid AT ALL. Also, in case of non-compliance with the rules, postbacks will be deactivated without prior notice by the advertiser.
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